Global Girls Glow is an American organisation dedicated to empowering girls around the world to become strong women and confident leaders.

The NGO's work is based on the observation that young girls from vulnerable communities around the world are devalued simply because of their gender, which limits their opportunities and aspirations.

Their research revealed that for young girls to determine their own future, they need three key capabilities: agency, voice and power.
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Otra Cosa volunteers giving a lesson to local children in Huanchaco, Peru.


At the start of the year 2022, and slowly moving on from the Covid 19 restrictions, schools in Peru officially restarted classes in person after 2 years of online schooling. 
Otra Cosa Network is gladly partnering with the Colegio Pitagoras, one of Huanchaco´s biggest elementary and secondary schools, to support them with their English program. 
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